Ferndale Primary School is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of its children so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying or harassment of any kind is unacceptable.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is ongoing, deliberate behaviour that upsets the child who believes they have been subjected to bullying behaviour. It is behaviour that is targeted and selective and can be:-

Physical - hitting, kicking, punching, tripping up, damaging belongings, taking belongings

Verbal - name calling, taunts, insults, abusive language of all kinds

Indirect - rumour spreading, encouraging others to avoid someone, taking friends away

Cyber - any form of bullying via electronic devices such as mobiles or the internet


Bullying can be prejudice based, linked to:

  • Race religion or culture

  • Sexual orientation

  • Disability or special needs

  • Appearance, or any difference in ability, likes or dislikes, clothing style

If you feel that your child isbeing bullied, please contact the school immediately. Please refer to our Anti-Bullying policy which can be found in the School Policy section of the website..

Here at Ferndale we take bullying very seriously. We work very hard to ensure that our children can come to a safe place where they feel happy and treat each other fairly.

Please ask the school office staff if you would like a copy of the Anti-Bullying leaflet printed off.