School uniform can be purchased directly from our uniform supplier:
Recognition Express West
BSS House Unit 23
Cheney Manor Industrial Estate
Swindon SN2 2PJ
Tel: 01793 535900
How to order from Recognition Express – your options:
Visit the store directly, pay by cash or payment/credit card and take items away with you.
Click on the link which will take you straight to the Recognition Express order page, where you can place your order and pay online. You can then either collect directly from the store as soon as the items are ready, or collect from the school office.
You do not need to purchase logo uniform and can purchase from other shops.
Children are required to wear a dark grey skirt or trousers, white polo shirt, dark green jumper or cardigan with school logo and black shoes.
All pupils are required to wear school uniform, and each item should be clearly marked with their name.
PE Kit
PE kit should be in school at all times and consist of the following items:
Green/black shorts (in cold weather, tracksuit bottoms may be worn for outside games)
House colour T-Shirt
Daps or trainers
Water bottles can be purchased directly from the school office at a cost £1 each.
Only stud earrings should be worn in school and these will need to be covered or removed for PE and swimming. No nail varnish or nail extensions.