If you have any questions, queries or general information then please feel free to contact the school in the following ways:

  • Telephone -  01793 332425

  • Email - admin@ferndale.bluekitetrust.org

  • In writing -  Ferndale Primary and Nursery School, Wiltshire Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1NX

  • Visit us - the school office (located in Wiltshire Avenue) is staffed daily between 8.15am and 4.00pm

You can also follow us on Facebook - Ferndale Primary School 

Head of School (Miss Liz Horrobin) - head@ferndale.bluekitetrust.org

Chair of Governors  - admin@ferndale.bluekitetrust.org

FAO Rachel Jannaway

SENCO - (Miss T Challoner) - senco@ferndale.bluekitetrust.org 


Ferndale Primary and Nursery School is part of The Blue Kite Academy Trust, registered in England and Wales with Company Number 09889819. 

Registered office: The Blue Kite Academy Trust, C/O Ferndale Primary and Nursery School, Wiltshire Avenue, Swindon, Wilts SN2 1NX, 01793332425