Subject Vision (Intent, Implementation, Impact):

Our vision for mathematics at Ferndale

At Ferndale our intention is that we develop children who have a positive attitude to Mathematics, with a deep understanding of concepts they will need for mathematics in real life. We develop a confidence in mathematics where children aren’t afraid to take risks or try different ways of tackling a challenge through a process of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

To achieve this, we implement a mastery approach curriculum where lessons are broken down into small steps and resources are used alongside to help the children understand the maths behind each method. Our children are encouraged to use mathematically rich language to talk about what they are learning during each lesson and explain their understanding to others. The impact of our mastery curriculum is that all pupils are capable of achieving a high standard in mathematics.

For each objective, we teach every child how to answer questions that build essential foundational skills required to meet an objective. At Ferndale school, we call these Key Skills. Children then solve problems, applying their understanding and reasoning their answers to achieve the objective. We call this Securing Skills. For children to be working at the expected level for their year group we ensure that they have achieved Key skills and Securing skills during the year. A small group of children will have a greater depth of understanding of the year group objectives. These children will be set further, deeper challenging tasks which we call Mastery.

Children also use Times Table Rockstars and Numbots to develop essential number facts in order to support fluency.

Children take part in daily maths sessions where there is opportunity to revisit curriculum objectives that have not been taught in the current unit and address misconceptions previously identified. Assessment and monitoring enables us to ensure the pupils are making progress and to set up relevant interventions where required.




Websites to support their learning of maths at home:

Click here for this website which allows families to be able to help their children with their maths and boost their own confidence at the same time.

This website allows you to help your child at home allowing them to feel confident and give them a head start with their learning.

Helping your child with maths KS1 - BBC bitesize

Helping your child with maths KS2 - BBC bitesize

Give your child a head start in maths: everything parents need to know about Numeracy development from 0-6, click here to access this website.