We have loads of fun!


Friends of Ferndale

Parents and Teacher Association

Welcome to the Friends of Ferndale page. We are the Parents and Teacher Association (PTA) for Ferndale Primary and Nursery School.

The committee for 2023/2024 is:

Chair Person Jane Holden
Deputy Chair Person Julie Ayers
Treasurer Jo Knowles
Secretary Susan Green
Teacher Rep Caroline Rouse
Staff Rep Jo Bellman

Jane Holden - Chair                            Julie Ayres - Deputy Chair

Jo Knowles - Treasurer                    Susan Green - Secretary

We have regular committee meetings which are open to parents'/ guardians of students who attend Ferndale Primary and Nursery School.  Notifications of the meetings are sent by text so keep an eye on your phone. At these meetings we discuss forthcoming events, any new events and how to invest the money that is raised back into the school.

Other events that we have throughout the school year are:

  • Term discos – These are themed discos that happen each term. It is always fun to see the children throw some moves on the dance floor. We do an early session for reception year and year one.  There is a year 2, 3 and 4 disco.   Year 5 and 6 have a later session.
  • Summer  Fayre – Always great fun with stalls ranging from tombola’s, sweet shop, games where children can win prizes to home-made cakes.  
  • Christmas events - We support a number of events throughout December which include the Christmas topper competition, the Christmas wrapper, Santa experience and Santa breakfast.
  • Fireworks – We have a regular fireworks event usually on the Friday around the 5th November.

All the events have refreshments, music and a lot of fun.

Something we are always looking for parent’s/guardian’s help at events. Even if it’s just 30 minutes helping on a stall or to supervise at a disco. Without enough support, these events may not happen, so where possible please help. 

If you are interested in helping or have any ideas for fund-raising or if you just wish to provide feedback on a recent event, please drop the committee an email pta@ferndale.bluekitetrust.org and a member of the committee will be in contact. 


School Disco - 22nd February

We'd love your help.

We love working with charities and companies so please get in touch if you can support your local school.

Good Gym support creating a Winter Wonderland!

The community event renovating an area for the children to play outside.



Please see link here for article. Thank you to Thames Water.