Ferndale Primary School's Inclusion Team:

  • Miss Zoe Miller - Inclusion worker
  • Miss Tracey Challoner - SENDCo
  • Mrs Claire Hobbs - SEN support TA

Welcome to our Inclusion Team page.

At Ferndale we want to make sure children are happy, secure and successful. Sometimes children or their families may need some extra help to achieve this. At Ferndale, there is a team of adults in school who organise and provide additional support for parents, carers and children.

Miss Challoner is our school SENDCo (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator). She works closely with your child’s teachers to track your child’s progress in school and organise extra support if your child is not achieving the expected level of progress. This support may be provided by adults in school or specialists from outside of school such as Speech and Language Therapists. If you think your child may need additional support or if you are worried about your child’s progress please talk to your child's class teacher or to Miss Challoner.

Miss Horrobin monitors pupil attendance and meets with our Education Welfare Officer to discuss any concerns. 

The Lighthouse team are based at Ferndale who support children and families who may need extra support too. Inclusion team at Ferndale can refer to the Lighthouse team.