The Core Functions of the Local Governing Body are:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent


Governor Capacity Responsibility Appointed Declaration of Interest
Mrs Kayla Jolly   Governance Professional Nov 23  

Mrs Anne-Marie Goodman


Chair & SEND


Employee of Brunel Academies

Child attends school

Mrs Clare Bhunnoo Governor Inclusion & Diversity 01/05/24 - 01/05/27 Children attend school
Mrs Rachel Jannaway Governor Curriculum 01/01/24 - 01/01/27 Director of limited company Jannaway Freelancing LTD
Mr Andrew Luke Parent Finance 10.07.23-09.07.27 Children attend school
Mrs Hannah Walton-Kinross Parent Safeguarding and SEND Link 07.12.21-25.05.26 Children attend school
Mrs Kat Vine Governor Health and safety 14.09.34-13.09.27  
Mrs Beccy Nolan Governor Head of School 26.05.22- 25.05.26 Headteacher
Rev Barbara Sheppard Governor Early Years/Community 28.03.22-27.02.26  
Mrs Rachel Cole Staff Staff 20.10.23-19.10.27 Teacher
Governors who have left in the last 12 months.
Adam Smith 23.09.21-16.10.23  
Bharath Karumuri 04.03.21-21.11.23
Ali Arshad 20.01.20-20.0723
Rhea Reynolds 20.11.13-20.07.23
Jake Chandler 27.09.18-20.07.23


The Governing Body will consist of:

  • Up to 3 Staff Governors
  • At least 2 Parent Governors
  • A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 Governors
    (which can include parents and staff, as long as the total number of staff does not equal more than one third of total number of governors)



The Chair of Governors can be contacted in the following ways:

In writing:

Chair of Governors FAO - Anne-Marie Goodman
C/O Ferndale Primary and Nursery School
Wiltshire Avenue
Wilts SN2 1NX

By email:

To find out more about Blue Kite Governance and the scheme of delegation please see below.

Blue Kite Academy Trust Governance click here